Lushious Massacr is a drag performer, club queen, make-up artist (to the gawds) and frequently rude, entititled, narcissistic, vain, dramatic, self-obsessed, expletive, expletive, expletive, stuck-up, etc. etc. (you get the picture.) in Houston TX. Please insert more pretentious crap she swears she's good at here. Lushious started her drag journey in 2011 in a small town in the Rio Grande Valley in a city she doesn't remember and she refuses to acknowledge. (I told you the bitch swears!) She also likes to be called Lush or Miss Massacr by her followers and close back-stabbing friends. She doesn't trust anybody and don't think for a second she cares what anyone has to say, just don't mention her weight problem. She will skin you alive if you mention her weight problem! She enjoys long walks on the beach but hates the sand. Loves Hot Cheetos, Rice Krispie Treats and VERY well endowed men. She would love it if the record showed she is MOST definately a size queen! Duh. She has a really cool day job and day dreams about painting her mug every minute of every day. (Practice makes perfect!) She talks like a baby prostitute, ignores good advice, never pays for drinks, and occasionally leaves a tip. She hates skinny people. She hates medium size people. She hates.... (you get the gist).
Lush learned how to paint herself out of the back of her moms mini-van. When she was 15 she had her Quinceanera in her head. We would list her biggest inspirations but she swears she is self-created and her own continuous
source of inspiration (has she gotten on your nerves yet?). She is a pathological liar and volunteers weekly at the Westboro Baptist Therapy Center and offers counseling about things she knows absolutely nothing about.
She recieved a High School Diploma in Cosmetic Sorcery from Hogwarts and the bitch cannot for the life of her wear heels higher than two inches. She prances (she's too fat to dance) on stage and ALWAYS looks stunning. If
you cannot blend your make-up she has made it clear she will not be able to be your friend (it's in her contract.) Furthermore Lushious Massacrs' drag style mixes punk, GOTH, hyper-glam and futuristic electronic drama (what?).
Her favorite people on earth are the NY Club Kids of the 90's and those who have self-esteem issues because she too is a pro at hating other peoples' selves. She used to suffer from Depression like a couple of months ago
but then she got depressed from being like so depressed so the bitch snapped out of it and is to begin her drag come back as part of the FBAR FCENTRICS! She really takes this drag stuff very serious guys (rolls eyes). At
the time this bio went to press (the bitch keeps swearing) Lushious is still single and living in New York.... in her dreams. Tuh!